遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA





    • 1886-87—First Meeting: 十大体育外围平台排名 20, Penn Charter 6
    • 1898-99 - 然后是宾夕法尼亚大学的比赛. 这是多么糟糕的一天啊! 在倾盆大雨中, and on a field of mud and water we plowed, 更确切地说,是游泳, up and down throughout the whole afternoon. 我们赢了比赛. Once more the cup has rested peacefully above Mr. Kershaw’s desk, and may it long remain there. 十大体育外围平台排名 6, Penn Charter 5.
    • 1917-18 - At last only the Penn Charter game was left. We played this on November 23 at Tabor. 像往常一样, 我们被打败了, 但这并不丢脸, as the Penn Charter boys outweighed us ten pounds to a man. They also had numberless substitutes, whom they used to great advantage. Penn Charter 54, 十大体育外围平台排名 0.
    • 1925-26 - 1925年,十大体育外围平台排名多年来第一次派出了足球队. Due to the inexperience of the players, however, the season was not a success.
    • 1929-30 - 11月1日,身穿红色球衣的男孩们赢得了与宾夕法尼亚大学的第43次年度交锋, 黑色的, 和蓝色的, 13-6. Penn Charter tied the score in the last period on a forward pass, but Roberts countered with a 35-yard run through the whole Queen Lane team. “Connie” Mack took a pass for the thirteenth point.
    • 1934-35 - The 1934 football team was one of the greatest in the history of the Academy. The team swept through a schedule of nine games without a defeat. Of all the high schools and prep schools in the city, our school was the only one that could boast of an untied and undefeated eleven, 这本身就是一种记录和荣誉. Our last and most important game was played on November 16 at Penn Charter. Ten thousand people attended this game, by far the most exciting of the season. When the final whistle blew the score was 十大体育外围平台排名 13, Penn Charter 12. 古老的钟, which had rung out after every other victory during the year, rang long and hard after the PC game.
    • 1941-42 - Our next Inter-Ac game was played with Penn Charter on a wet, 泥泞的田野, and the score came to a standstill at 6-6. 然而,毫无疑问,如果场地是干燥的,分数会有所不同. 由于缺乏球员和经验,GA的足球队运气不佳. This year, sadly enough, was no exception.
    • 1954-55 - The last game of the season ended on complete disaster for GA, losing its annual contest to Penn Charter 26-0. 今年的足球队是GA所见过的最具活力和竞争力的球队之一. 在鲍勃·富尔顿的得力领导下,他们赢得了一半以上的比赛.
    • 1964-65 - The day of the game was bright, clear, and cool. Standard procedure was followed, and, as usual, we lost the toss. Penn Charter was unable to keep the home team from scoring twice on ground plays, but they were successful in completing three touchdown plays of their own. 这场激烈的比赛是观众的乐事,因为如果一场比赛能靠数据取胜的话,我们做到了.
    • 1973-74 - 除了一年一度的传统, 这场比赛意味着冠军和GA自1952年以来的第一个不败赛季. GA把金蓝变成了黑蓝…只有一个长炸弹破坏了防守方的封锁. 以30比6的比分击败了实力强大的佩恩宪章队,使得国际米兰赢得了一个不败的赛季. Though plagued by injuries and frustrations, the '74 soccer team achieved some bright moments, most notably at mid-season in a hard fought victory over PC.
    • 1986-87—100th 会议- The wind was biting and the fields were frozen. 热烈的欢呼声打破了寒冷秋日的寂静,数百名热情的球迷看着他们的足球队从0比3落后的情况下以5比3击败贵格会队. Elated, the fans scurried to claim seats on the football bleachers. Though the Patriots outscored PC in the second half, it was not enough. Final score 28-18… November 15 was more than just a football game. 这是历史.
    • 1996-97 - 1996年的足球队今年完成了16年来没有完成的事情. 在热情的GA观众面前,爱国者队克服了困难,以9比6击败了佩恩宪章队. There was something distinctly different about 110th GA-PC Day. Like the players, the GA fans were in top form. 他们充满了兴奋,一整天都能听到震耳欲聋的欢呼声. 11月9日对所有参与的人来说都是美好的一天(至少在GA方面)!)
    • 1999 - Under the direction of Head Coach Bill Caum '64, 爱国者队战胜了PC队, 28-14, to clinch its first Inter-Ac League title since 1973. Jim Slattery '00 was named the Geis Trophy (MVP) winner following the game.
    • 2003 & 2004 虽然爱国者队在03年和04年赢得了ac联赛冠军,但他们无法在GA-PC日击败贵格会队.
    • 2013 - 在第127场比赛, the Patriots rallied from a 35-14 second half deficit to win, 42-35, in dramatic fashion on the Quakers' home turf. In winning, the Patriots snapped a 12-game losing streak to the Patriots. It was Coach Matt Dence's first win on GA-PC Day. 高中四分卫海耶斯·诺尔特(Hayes Nolte)打破了2004年肖恩·格里夫(Sean Grieve)创造的学校生涯传球记录,并为GA带来了令人难以置信的逆转,他被评为Geis奖杯得主. 诺尔特当天20投17中,传球282码,他的职业生涯传球3892码. Nolte also rushed for two touchdowns against PC and threw a touchdown pass.
    • 2014 - 在第128版中, which was broadcast live on Comcast, 以赛亚·琼斯(Isaiah Jones)的18分在上半场三次触地得分,帮助爱国者队在凯里体育场爆满的观众面前以40比29战胜了PC队. 琼斯在20次运球中跑了121码,在169次运球中跑了1010码. 他被评为共同mvp,并与GA大二四分卫凯尔·麦克洛斯基(Kyle 麦克洛斯基 '17)一起获得了Geis奖杯, who threw for 158 yards and two touchdowns.
    • 2016 - In arguably the most nerve-wracking game in GA-PC Day history, 爱国者队最终胜出, 17-14, in the 130th game thanks to a last second field goal by Vince Capone '16, 这是由17届盖斯杯得主凯尔·麦克洛斯基在凯里体育场全场爆满的观众面前一记娴熟的射门完成的. 这不仅是自尊心的问题, 但爱国者队整个下午都在与非常强硬的贵格会队战斗,争夺联赛冠军也是如此. “We have three goals,” said GA Head Coach Matt Dence following the 130th game. “一是赢天,二是赢Inter-Ac,三是赢PC. We had two check marks before, but on Saturday we checked all three. That’s what this senior class has done. They have brought us to a point where we can check all three of our goals. To do that with this crew is very special. 马特·戈尔曼只是一个赢家. 帕特·麦克格蒂根就是个赢家. 凯尔·麦克洛斯基就是个赢家.在上半场一分未得之后, 第三节比赛还剩3分34秒时,麦克洛斯基在7码外投篮得分,爱国者队占据了先机. 这两场进攻都是在第四节开始的。第四节还剩9分39秒时,PC队的爱德华·塞迪(Edward Saydee)接住了贵格会队的一次1码触地得分,将比分扳成7比7. 在比赛还剩5分48秒时,麦克洛斯基与17岁的外接球手迈克·赖利(Mike Reilly)在49码处触地得分,爱国者队以14比7领先. 有那么一瞬间, it appeared GA would win the game by that score, but if GA-PC Day history has taught fans anything, it has taught them that it’s not over until it’s over. 就在比赛还剩4分12秒时,PC队四分卫迈克尔·纳特科夫斯基在68码处的接球冲刺突破触地得分,将比分扳平为14比14. 两队交换了赌注,然后爱国者队在比赛还剩1分06秒时,以36分的比分开始了最后的制胜攻势. 这位资深左撇子正是这样做的,他设计了完美的击球,并为卡彭的英雄事迹奠定了所有的进攻. 跟随比赛, 麦克洛斯基, 谁两次触地得分, 跑了119码, 并通过了165码, was named the MVP of the game and given the Geis Trophy. 比赛期间, he broke former quarterback Hayes Nolte’s (class of 2014) school record of 3,886个总传球码. 麦克洛斯基 finished his career with 3,903 yards.
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